Wherrytown 1935

Wherrytown 1935

The date perhaps 1935; View of Cafe Marina and Wherrytown, before it was de-cafe-nated and turned into a car park. The bus appears to be a Dennis Mace 1933. Photocrom.
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I've just noticed that the name Cafe Marina isn't complete and you can just work out a workman who is seemingly painting the roof. I've also noticed that the front of the cafe is different and wondered if the building was rebuilt after the fire not demolished.
Other questions come to mind, such as when the memorial was moved, bottom of Alexandra Road? Also when were the belisha beacons in use?
Yes indeed. I think we all may have made a presumption of the date the building was demolished as there are some clues that can help us date this properly. I've been as bad by posting up images and attaching a "set in stone" date, that now I'm questioning. This will be an interesting topic to time-line ::15:
1935, Apr. 9. Council decided to erect “Belisha Beacons” in Penzance at a cost of £300 of which £130 would be borne by the rates. 1935, June 14. Serious fire at Cafe Marina.
Interesting post Penzancesailor. What we are wondering if after the fire in 1935 it can't have been demolished because the picture above shows cars manufactured many years after... What year did it actually get demolished and if not because of the fire... why?
Are you sure about the date of the cars? One clue might be the railings in front of the Beachfield. Would they not have been removed in WW2?

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