Co-Op Terrace

Co-Op Terrace

c1930, Penzance and District Co-operative Industrial
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From the featured corbel scrolls, it looks to be the top end, as well, there is the reflection of the Post Office in the window. Nr 3?. The one with that Urn in my Scroots album. I can check.
I was thinking perhaps where 'Oriental Care' or first half of 'Restless Native', further down is?
Jack Pengelley says it became Anne Louis. In 1930, just about the only reference possible is Jack Pengelley, though I am building a collection of guide books slowly, hoping to find advertisements. I have quite a full guide for 1895, and then the last full list is 1914. Next is Jack Pengelley in 1922 for the centre of town. There used to be a full collection of Telephone Directories in Penzance Library in Morrab Road, but the infinite wisdom brigade got rid of them as they were not current ... groan.
I seem to remember an upmarket ladies wear shop called Ann Collins which was next to a toy store (Knees???) which was on the corner of the Arcade and Market Jew St. - could this be the location? Ann Collins was in existence in late 50's/early 60's I think.
Was Knees not farther down and much bigger than the one on the corner of the terrace? We just called this one The Arcade toy shop but i cannot remember the correct name.
My father worked in Knees original store, which was at the lower end of The Terrace (now occupied largely by Hydrovolt); Ann Collins was used greatly by my wife, next door to Batemans and Arcade toys shop. I have not yet had a chance to explore the files and photographs. Will 'come back' as soon as I am able.

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