Morrab Gardens

Morrab Gardens

Do you remember these displays? Have you seen as many people enjoying the gardens and the sunshine? In the 70s I think.
A lot of these were funded by local organisations, in the shape of the logo or shield of the organisation; unfortunately all these things fade, as costs rise, and vandalism and irresponsible ant-social behaviour increase. I am not happy to stay in these gardens anymore because of the collection of rowdy youths, skate boarding and other activities.
Yes, as a twelve year old, I well remember this butterfly. Hearing the remark Eeh! Look at thaat loovly boota-fla, loov! coming from behind me, I struck up a conversation with a really nice Lancashire couple from Bury. The husband, apologising later for a delay, took the trouble to send me some football programmes and a letter in which he blamed his wife for mislaying them saying, Never trust a woman! Sad to say, nowadays a twelve year old might not be so trusting, nor an adult in return.
You are so very right; I mourn the loss of that trust. If I see a child crying or in distress, I look around for the invisible police officer, and if I see no one, I simply have to ignore it. A sad day has arrived.
I seem to have a faint memory of some sort of floral clock in that space where the butterfly is - round about early to mid 70s? Does anyone else remember that - or is it just my imagination?!
There was a clock, just as you say. Sometimes there was a badge design, lettering etc ...

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