Gulval Meadhouse

Gulval Meadhouse

Supplied by Terry Hamilton.
This was 1971/2 when he first came down here, the estate car was Tell Mans and the triumph beside it was Terrys, the Humber was Phill Kings, of the Phill King Trio, and Kingselectric, also Prop of the Meadhouse for a while.
Never in my life time have I seen this....Thank you so much for getting Terry Hamilton to supply this pic..another question has he anymore? (worth asking!)
Not to my knowledge, I've uploaded ones of myself inside and Terry also, but from outide they are few and far between it seems.
okay was making sure my emails worked I forgot had to subscribe....
a really lovely building, shame I wasn't old enough to go see it when it was there! I was only just 2 years old when this pic was taken...gosh!! showing my age now..still, as chillywilly has quite rightly said bet this place holds many stories? to hear them people/members...xx
Now I'm feeling my age, got more stories than you throw a stick at about this place, where do you want to start? how far do you want to go back? If your around tomorrow morning I'l tell you a few, was it really haunted by Nuns? now there's another story, were there ghosts? who really knows............
Sterling stuff S55.....
From left to right:
1969 Austin 1100
1964 Triumph herald
Ford Zephyr Mark 4 Estate
Humber Sceptre Mark 2 ... This is the 1965 model as it had the revised rear.

Classic line up ::15:
If I'd put this up as a mystery pic, I wonder how many would have got it? makes you think, it's been gone a lot of years.
I use to help Tell Mann with his gear when he played at the Benbow. Miss his music.
He did the stair well at the Benbow when it was redone, all the fake brick work going up the stairs and the date was done by him. Talented chap. iv got a post card of him somewhere.

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Gulval Meadery - Mill House Cafe
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