Cornish Dialect


Major Contributor
They that dawn’t schemey must louster ….
What are ee on upon, my ansom?
Standin there like a bucca, wisht as a winnard.

Here is a list of around 1500 Cornish Dialect words.

Abew, Abue. Above, up above.
Abroad. open, in pieces.”You have left the door abroad”"Scat all abroad"
Actions. Pretence, affectation.”Lot of actions with em"
Addlegutter. A dirty, offensive pool or drain ; a cesspool.
Afeard. Afraid.
Agate. Expectant.”All agate."
Agg. To push on, to incite, to egg on.
Aglan, Aglet. The fruit of the hawthorn
Airy-mouse, Rare-mouse. The bat.
Aker, Aiker. In his aiker [in his element].
Alan. A hard, bare patch of ground.
Alantide. All Saints' Day.
Allish. Pale, sickly in appearance.
All-on-a-nupshot. Unexpectedly, in a great hurry.
Ampassy. Et cetra.
Anan What do you say ?
Angle-dutch. The earthworm.
Anist, Nist. Near, close to.”Don't come anist me."
Apernt. An apron.
Apple-bird. The chaffinch.
Apple-bee, Apple-drane. The wasp.
Aps. The aspen tree.
Arish. Stubble.”Barley arish."
Arrant. An errand, a message.
Arrere Wonderful, strange.
Arry. Any.
Asew, Sew. Dry.”The cow is asew."
Attle. Rubbish, refuse. (A mining term.)
Auvsis, Auvice. The eaves of a house.
Avage. Stock or breed.”The avage is good."
Avore. Before.
Ax. Ask. Did e axe en?
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Major Contributor
Incidentally here is a good website to clarify things
about Cornish matters.
It includes Aristotle's Teeth - he had made a blunder in stating that women had a differing number of teeth than men, without having counted them first. So the site is assembled though careful research and writing.
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Major Contributor
A tough customer ..:)

Backlong, Backalong. Formerly ; the road just traversed.
Backsyfore. Forth and back, the reverse way.
Bagaroot. A Swede turnip (rootabaga).
Baggie. To muffle, to swathe.
Bal. To shout, to bawl.”Balling and 'owling."
Bal. A mine.
Balk. To place in layers or rows. (A term used in pilchard curing.)
Ballyrag. To bully, to revile, to abuse.
Balm. A false imputation ; a story told in jest.
Bal-maidens. Girls emplojed on surface work on mines.
Balsh. Stout cord.
Balshag. Coarse woollen cloth.
Bamfer, To worry, to harass, to torment.
Banger. A whopper.
Bank-up. To heap up, as clouds gather before rain.
Bannel. The broom.
Bare-ridged. To ride bare-backed, or without a saddle.
Bare-vamped. To stand in one's stockings ; without shoes.
Bar-ire. A crow bar,
Barristers. Bannisters.
Barning. Phosphorescent.”The sea is barning."

Bassam. [Bessum] Wild broom ; a complication of colours occasioned by a bruise.
Beal. The bill (of a bird, etc.)
Bealing. Hatching.”The eggs are bealing."
Bean. A hazel rod for binding wood into faggots.
Beam. A child.
Beat. To cut off turf from land ; turf cut for fuel.
Beat-burrow. A heap of weeds or turf partly burnt, or collected for burning.
Beat-burning. The burning of turf heaps in fields for manure.
Bed-ale. Ale brewed for a christening.
Bedoled. Dismal, low-spirited, dull, heavy with trouble.
Bed-tye. A feather bed.
Bee-butt. A bee-hive.
Beety. To mend fish nets.
Bell-metal. The brass pan in which preserves are made.
Belong. To be accustomed ; to be due.”He belongs to go every day.”
Belve. To bellow.
Bender. Something exceedingly large.
Berryin. A funeral.
Besting Deciding.”Besting whether to go or no."
Betterfit. To greater advantage ; wiser ; better.”Betterfit you'd held your tongue."
Bettermost. Best ; advantage gained.”a bettermost bonnet.”“I got the bettermost"
Bettix, Biddix. Beat-axe ; a mattock.
Bever. To shiver with cold.
Bevering. Shaking, or shivering with cold.
Bib. A blind. (A kind of small fish.)
Bibble. To tipple.
Biggan. A nightcap without a border.
Bilders. The plant heracleum sphondylium, or cow parsnip.
Bisgan. A shield made like the finger of a glove, and used for a sore finger.
Biskey. A biscuit.
Bittle, Beetle. A mattock ; a thatcher's mallet for driving
Bitter-weed. A disgraceful person.”She's a bitter weed.''
Black-worm. The cockroach.
Blanketing-shirts. A sort of smock-frock made of heavy woollen.
Blast. A cold ; sudden inflammation.

Blinch. To sight, to catch a glimpse.
Blind-bucca-davy. Blind man's buff.
Blink. A spark.
Blog, Bloggy. Thick set, stout.”A bloggy little horse."
Blood-sucker. The sea anemone.
Bloody-warrior. The dark wallflower.
Blowth. Blossom ; in flower.”The May is in blowth."
Bobbin-joan. Round excrescences on potatoes.
Bobble. A pebble.
Bobble. A ground swell.
Boft. Bought.”Boften bread."
Boggle. To be checked by a difficulty, as a horse unable to move its load.
Boggle. To lie.
Boiling. Crowd, family, lot.”The whole boiling."
Bol. An iron ladle used for dipping water.
Bolt. A drain.
Booba. A sort of torch made of rags and dipped in train oil ; a wick.
Boots-and-shoes. The columbine.
Bosh. Display.
Boshy. Foppish, smart, conceited.
Bougan. The large end of a piece of wood or timber.
Beyer A rock-drill.

Boy's-love. Southernwood.
Braggaty. Spotted, mottled.
Bran Quite.”Bran new."
Brandiz, Brandys. An iron tripod for supporting a kettle, etc., over the fire.
Brandiz-ways. Triangular.
Brave. Hearty, well, in good health.”Howareee?" “Brave, thank ee."
Brave-few. A good many, a fair quantity.
Brave-flink. Good try, nearly done.”Aw didn't do en fitty, but aw gave en a brave flink."
Breachy. A term applied to cattle given to climbing fences.
Bread-and-dippy. Barley bread and thin cream.
Breek, Brik. A small tear or rent in a garment. “There's not a breek in un."
Brembles. Brambles.
Brink. A fish's gill.
Brit. A tiny fish, smaller than a sprat.
Briton. The thrift or sea-pink. (St. Michael's Mount.)
Broach. A long stick used in fastening ropes in thatch.
Brose (of heat). A fierce heat.
Brouse. A thicket ; also short furze, ferns, etc.
Brush. A nosegay.
Bruss. The dust and prickles from dried furze.
Bucca. A scarecrow ; a fool.
Buck, Buckaboo. A ghost ; a hobgoblin.
Buck. Applied to milk when it is affiected by heat, and is then unfit for use.”The buck is in the milk."
Buckhorn. Dried salt whiting.
Buckle- up. To shrink, to draw together.

Budpicker. The bullfinch.
Buddy. A clump, a thick bunch, a cluster.”A regular buddy."
Buffle-head. A simpleton.
Bulch. To push with a horn, to butt.
Bullgrannick. A snail.
Bulljig, Bullhorn. A snail.
Bully. A pebble.
Burndockie. A liquor made of hot cider, sugar and eggs.
Burn. A bundle of hay, straw, furze, etc., tied by a rope called the”burn-rope.''
Bus. An unweaned calf.
Bushed. Confirmed.
Bussa. A coarse earthen pot ; a fool ; a simpleton.
Bustious. Full ; corpulent.
Butt. A bee-hive ; an ox-cart.
Butter-and-eggs. The double daffodil.
Butts. A disease in horses.
Busy. Requires.”Busy all your strength to lift it." “Busy all your time."
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Major Contributor
Cab. Mess ; disorder.
Cabby. Dirty, sticky, untidy.
Cabbed, Cabbed-over. Handled, messed about.
Cader. A frame on which fishing lines are kept.
Cadge. To beg.
Cadging. Begging, asking charity.
Cage. A set ; often applied to teeth.”A cage of teeth."
Cage-of-bones. A skeleton.
Caggled, Cagged. Caked, ingrained.
Camel. The camomile plant.
Candleteening. Twilight.
Capparouse, Caperhouse. A row, an uproar, a hubbub.
Care. The mountain ash.
Catch-up. To dry quickly ; to work with speed, etc. “To catch-up my churs.''
Catching. Unsettled, changeable.
Cat-in-the-pan. A somersault.
Caudle, Coddle To slop, to mess ; to get into a difficulty; or a difficulty.
Caudly. Dirty, murky.”Caudly weather."
Caudler. An untidy, slovenly worker.
Caunch. A mess, confusion.
Caunting. Diagonal, athwart.
Caunted. Athwart, tilted.
Cawnse, Caunse. A causeway, a paved road.
Cazier, Cayer. A kind of hand sieve for sifting grain.
Ceague. A cheat, a deceiver, a rogue.
Censure. To estimate ; to think ; to reckon.
Chacks. The cheeks.
Chack. To parch, to dry.”I'm chackin thirst."
Chacky-cheese. The seeds of the mallow.
Chad. A young bream.
Chall. A cattle house.
Cheat. A false shirt front.
Cheeld Chiel. A child.
Cheeld-vean. A term of endearment, meaning”little child."
Cheens. The loins ; the quarters of a house.
Cheese. Pounded apples ready for pressing.
Cheening. The sprouting of grain, etc.
Cherks. Cinders.
Chets. Kittens.
Chibble. A kind of small onion.
Chickell. The wheat-ear.
Chiff-chaff. The chaff-finch.
Chiffer. To drive a bargain, to haggle.
Chill. An iron lamp for burning train oil.
Chimbly. A chimney.
Chillbladder. Chilblain.
Ching. The chin.
Chip. The foot of a plough.
Chuff. Healthy-looking, full-faced.
Chuck. The throat.”Dry about the chuck."
Chuck. To choke. '' He's chucked."
Chuck-cheelds. The chad.
Chuckle-head. A fool.
Chur. A small job ; household duties.”Catch-up yonr churs."
Churing. Charing.
Churer. A charwoman.
Clam. A footbridge.
Clammered. Ailing, weak, sickly.
Claps. A clasp.
Clean-off. Cleverly; completely.
Clever. Tolerably well ; in good health.
Clibby, Clisty. Sticky, adhesive.
Clich. To fasten, to latch.”Clich the gate."
Click-handed, Click-pawed. Left-handed.
Clidgy. Sweets made of boiled sugar, and sold in sticks.
Cliders. Goose-grass.
Clink. A”lock-up,”a gaol.
Clip, Click. A sudden sharp blow ; a box on the ear.
Cloam, Clome. Earthenware.
Clodgy. Boggy, muddy.”Clodgy lane."
Clomen. Made of earthenware.”Grinning like a clomen cat."
Clop. To limp.
Clopper. A lame person.
Clopping. Limping.
Clout. An old cloth or rag.”A dish clout."
Coajer's-wax. Shoemaker's-wax or pitch.
Cob. A crest of hair or feathers ; the forelock.
Cob. A mixture of clay and straw for building purposes. “Cob walls."
Cobbing. Breaking ore into small pieces.
Cobbing-hammer. The hammer used in breaking ore.
Cob-nuts. Hazel-nuts ; a game played with nuts strung on strings.
Cock-hedge. A quickset hedge.
Cockle-buttons. The burrs of the burdock.
Codge. An untidy, slovenly piece of work.
Codger. A slovenly worker.
Collybrand, Collybram. Sheet lightning ; smut in corn, black ears of corn.
Come-by-chance. Accidental.

Comfortable. Easy-going, agreeable.
Compartner. A consort.
Condiddle. To swindle, to rob.
Conduddle. Conceit.
Conkerbell. An icicle.
Come-out. Quarrel, disturbance.”A purty come-out down there."
Cool. A trough in which salt pork, etc., is kept.
Cooram. Order, decorum.”Keep cooram."
Coose. To chase, to hunt, to pursue. Often applied to a low crawl.
Cooting. A thrashing.
Cooze. To gossip, to idle away time in talking.
Copper-finch. The chaff-finch.
Core. A”spell”of work.”He's on night core."
Corisy. Hatred, ill-feeling, ill-will.
Corncrake. The landrail.
Corniwillen. The lapwing.
Country. Ground, land, “Built against the country,'' built up to the earth slope.
Cover-slut. One who takes the blame due to another
Cowle. A fish-basket.
Coxy. Pert, saucy.
Crabbed. Quirkish, artful. (because of their sideways walk)
Cracked. Insane.
Cra(f)fe. To mend hastily or loosely.
Crake. A harsh cry.
Cravel. The lintel over a chimney.
Creem. To squeeze.
Creen. To grieve, to complain, to pine.
Creening. Ailing, complaining.”A creening woman will live for ever."
Crevan. A dry, hard crust.
Creeved. Partly cooked ; partly dry.
Crib. A slight luncheon.
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Major Contributor
Cribber. A small eater, a”picker."
Cricks. Dry sticks, hedgewood.
Cricket. A low stool.
Cricking. Collecting for the ‘bottom drawer’; gathering odds and ends
Crim. To shiver with cold.
Cripse. Crisp.
Cripse. To slightly crack or craze glass or earthenware.
Criss-cross-row. The alphabet. (in the old horn books it was always headed with a cross.)
Crock. A three legged iron pot used for cooking purposes.
Crofts. Downs.
Croggan. A limpet shell.
Croom. A small quantity, a tiny bit.
Crow. A sty.”Pig's crow."
Croust. Lunch taken between meals.
Crowd. A fiddle ; to purr.
Crowder. A”slow-coach,”a dawdler.
Crowdy. To fiddle.
Crowding. Purring.”The cat's crowding."
Crowner. A coroner.
Crowning. An inquest.
Crop-of-the-bunch. The best, or prettiest of the lot or family.
Crow-sheaf. The sheaf that completes; the gable of a mow of corn,
Cruddly. Curly.
Cruds. Curds.
Cruel. Very, extremely.”Cruel hard."
Crumbed. Bent or drawn together with cold.
Crumptins. Small deformed apples.
Cuckoo. The hare-bell or blue-bell.
Cud. A quid of tobacco.
Cuddling. Doing light work or jobs ; working feebly.“Just able to cuddle along."
Cue. An iron protection on the heel of a boot or shoe ;an ox shoe.
Cundard. A conduit. Culvert.
Cuney, Cuny. Moss ; lichen ; mildew.
Curls. Carols.
Custice. A blow across the hand with a rod.
Cussal, Cuzzle. Deceitful.


Major Contributor
Dag. A small hatchet.
Dagging. Anxious, longing to do something.”Dagging for a fight”
Daggings. Heavily laden, a large quantity.”Daggings of them."
Dane.”Red-headed Dane.”A term of contempt.
Daps. Likeness, counterpart.
Dash. An unbound faggot of furze.
Dash-an-darras. The stirrup glass.
Dashy. Showy
Datch, To thatch.
Datcher. A thatcher.
Daugh, Daw. Dough.
Daver. To fade, to pine.
Davered. Faded, worn out.
Dead-and-alive. Without energy ; dull ; indifferent ;lukewarm.
Deads. Subsoil ; refuse.
Deal-seed. The fir-cone.
Deef. Deaf.”Deef as an adder."
Deef. Rotten, empty.”A deef apple."
Dewsnail. The slug.
Dicky. An over-jacket worn by working men.
Diddle.”Every little diddle.”Tittle-tattle ; every little ridiculous tale.
Didgan. A very small bit, a tiny piece.
Didgy. Small, tiny.
Dido.”A purty dido.”A row, a great fuss.
Dig. A blow, a thrust.”A dig in the back." A jibe.
Dig. To scratch.
Dilly. A light waggon.
Dilly-dallying. Trifling, hesitating, shilly-shallying.
Ding. To repeat over and over, to reiterate.”Ding ding, ding, all the day long."
Dinged. Reiterated.
Dinsul. St. Michael's Mount.
Dish. The dues paid to the lord of the mine.
Dishwasher, Dishwater. The water-wagtail. Dull as dishwater (they are black and white)

Disle, Dizle. The thistle.
Dob, Dab. To throw.
Dob. A lump.”A great dob of earth."
Dobbett. Short, thick-set.”A regular dobbet."
Dock. The crupper of a saddle.
Doldrums.”In the doldrums.”Low-spirited, oast down.
Dole. An ungainly bundle.”A great dole."
Doles. Small heaps of ore of equal size for weighing.
Dorymouse. The dormouse.
Down. Low-spirited, downcast.”Down in the mouth."
Downses. Moors, downs.”Pradnack downses."
Dowsing-rod. A forked twig of hazel or white thorn, which, when carried over a lode or mineral vein, is said to turn in the hand toward the ground.
Doxy. Smart, pretty.”A doxy little bonnet."
Dralyers. Trailing plants or weeds, more especially the wild convolvulus.
Dram. A swathe of corn.
Drang. An open drain or gutter ; an open groove or channel.
Drane, Apple-drane. The wasp.
Drash. To thrash corn.
Drashel, A flail,
Draw. A kind of sledge.
Dredge-corn. A mixed crop of corn.
Dredgy-ore. Ore and stone mixed.
Dressel, Drexel. The threshold.
Dribs. Small sums of money, small debts, a small quantity.
Driggle. To dribble, to fall in drops, to ooze out slowly,
Drilger. A great noise.
Drill -drolls. Trailing plants ; the wild convolvulus.
Dripshams. Last drops of liquid.
Drive. To drift.
Drivers. Fishing boats using drift-nets.
Driving-nets. Drift-nets carried by the”drivers."
Droll. A tale, an idle tale, legend.
Droolgey. Drulgy. Slow, heavy in movement.

Drop-curls. Long curls, ringlets.
Drow. To dry.
Drug. The drag (of a wheel).
Drule. To drivel.
Dry. The house in which the miners change their clothes.
Dryth. Dry weather or drought.”A scat of dryth."
Dubbet, Dobbet. Short, stumpy.
Duff. Suet pudding.
Duff. A blow ; a blow on a cow's udder with a calf's nose.
Dull. Hard of hearing, deaf.
Dumbledory, Dumbledrane. The cockchaffer.
Dunyon. A dungeon.”Down in the dunyon."
Durk. Dark.
Durns. The frame of a door.
Dust. The chaflf of corn.
Duzz. To buzz.
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Earth-ridge. Earth, round the sides of a field carted out for mixing with manure.
Easement. Relief.
Eaver. Permanent grass seed.
Edge. Principle, disposition.”A good edge"
Eggy-hot. Hot beer, sugar, and eggs.
Elbow-grease. Hard work, or energy in work.”Put some elbow grease in it."
Elevener. A slight lunch.
Elleck. A kind of gurnard.
Elmin-tree. The elm-tree.
Emmet An ant. (Old English). Visitors seen in a friendly way, 'millin' around the place like emmets.'
Ent. To empty, to pour.
Enting-down. Raining very heavily, pouring with rain. “Tis enting down."
Eve, Eave. To thaw, to give with damp or heave.
Evil. A stable-fork with several prongs.”A five-pronged evil."
Evit, Ebbat. A newt.
Eyeable. Presentable.”Tidn very eyeable."
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Major Contributor
Faddy. A rejoicing, a merry making.
Fadgy. Faded, soiled.
Faggied. Devised, planned.”Faggied out a plan."
Faggot. A worthless person ; a term of contempt.
Fairmades, Fairmaids. Cured pilchards, or pilchards prepared for the foreign market.
Fairy. A weasel.
Fal-tha-rals. Useless things, trifles.
Fancical. Whimsical, fanciful.
Fang. To receive, to take hold of.
Fanged.”Never fanged to it.” Never acknowledged or noticed it.
Fangings. Wages, earnings.
Fay, Fey. Faith.
Feasten. Feast.”Feasten Sunday."
Feather-bog. A bog, a quagmire.
Feather-tye. A feather bed.
Feaps. Pitch and toss.
Feneage, Feneagle. Obtain by improper means
Fescue. A pin or point.
Figs. Raisins.
Figgy-duff. ‘Plum’-pudding.
Fire-pan. A fire-shovel.
Fit. To prepare, to get ready.”Fit the denner."
Fitch. A polecat.
Fitty. Suitable, proper, nice.”I aint fitty 'tall.”“A fitty looking maid." ‘Fitty proper’
Flabbergasted. Taken aback.”I was quite flabbergasted."
Flagary. A frolic, a spree.
Flannin. Flannel.

Flat-rod-shaft. A shaft with pumps drawn by horizontal rods, worked by a distant engine or water-wheel.
Flaws. Intermittent showers.
Fleckett. A squall of weather, wind or rain.
Flecketts. Flashes, sudden changes of colour, blushes.
Fleeting, Floating. The guttering of candles.
Flesh-meat. Butcher's meat.
Fletters. Rags,
Flew Flue. A coat of manure spread over land.
Filed. Flown.
Fligs. Gaudy articles of dress, gaudy attire.
Flink. Have a go … ”Don't knaw ef I can zactly, sir, but I can gibb'n a brave flink."
Flisk. A comb.
Floors. Ground generally paved to deposit minerals or ores for dressing or preparing for sale.
Flop. To spill.”Flopping the water." “Tha’s no flopping good’
Floppervan. An under-petticoat.
Flosh. The dashing of water in, or over, a vessel of any kind.
Floury-milk. A kind of porridge made of flour, milk, and sometimes caraway seeds or currants and spice.
Formerly always given to the workpeople in farmhouses for breakfast on corn-carrying days.

Floury. Mealy.”Floury potatoes."
Fly-by-night. A racy, thoughtless girl ; a gad-about.
Fooright. Forthright, outspoken, straightforward.
Fooch. To push, to shove, etc. ; An idea connected with slovenliness.
Fooch. Disorder, confusion.
Fork. To pump dry.”The shaft is in fork."
Forthy. Forward ; pert ; pushy, inquisitive.
Fouse, Fauce. To crush, to rumple.
Foxing. Deceiving.”He's foxing you."
Fradge. Dirty, evil-smelling.
Fradgan, Fradgeon. An evil-smelling or dirty place ; a receptacle for dirt.
Freath. A hurdle interwoven with boughs, furze, etc.
Freathe. To weave.
Freathed-out. Ragged, ravelled.
French-nuts. Walnuts.
Fringle. An enclosed fire-place or grate capable of generating an intense heat and quickly. [a fire in an inglenook] . Or
A iron crook moving on hinges fastened to the back of an open chimney, on which kettles, etc., are hung.
Fringle-hole. The space under a grate into which the ashes fall.
Froal, F'rall. Although, notwithstanding. [ for all I know ...]
Fuggan. A large bun ; a ‘plum’bun ; rather heavy baked piece of dough, and often baked with a slice of pork pressed into the top before baking.
Fudgey.”Fudgey-faced.”Full-cheeked, fat-faced.
Furzymore. A root of furze.
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Major Contributor
Gabble. To talk noisily ; the chatter of a goose.
Gaddle. To drink greedily.
Gakem. A stupid fellow, a fool.
Gallivanting. Gadding about.”Gallivanting round."
Galore. A large or excessive quantity.”Fish galore."
Galyar. A mad prank.
Galyars. Restive, in a temper.
Gamtnuts. Sports, games, frolics.
Gard. Gravel, gravelly earth used by housewives for scouring.
Game. A garden.
Gaver. The cray-fish.
Gays. Sherds, broken china or crockery.
Geek. To peep, to spy, to peer.”while I've the sperit of a man in me I'll av a geek."
Geeze-dance, Geesedance. A Christmas play, in which the actors are supposed to represent various wellknown characters, the principal part being given to Oliver Cromwell. [Guise Dance]
Gert, Geat Great as in Geat Lummox [Lumbering ox, a useless man]
Gerty. Oatmeal.
Gerrick. The gar-fish (lelone vulgaris).
Gick-nor-gack. This nor that, one thing or the other.
Gid. The smelt (osmerus eperlanus).
Gidge. An exclamation.’Oh gidge !’
Ginge. A fine wire fastened round a line just above the hook to prevent fish biting through.
Giss. A saddle girth.
Giss. To girth up.
Gladdie. The yellow-hammer.
Glauze, Glaws. Dried cowdung used for fuel.
Glaze. To glare.”Glazing at en like a geat gurnard."
Gleaney. The guinea-fowl.
Glidder. Polish, shine.
Gliddering. Shining, smooth, slippery.
Globical. Unsettled (as applied to weather).”Looking rather globical."
Goad or Goard. A pole for measuring land, nine feet long ; the off-sett staff.
Glump. To sulk, to be sullen.
Go-about. A tramp.
Gone-abroad. Fallen to pieces, dissolved.
Gone-round-land. Dead ; thrown away.
Goodness. The fat used in cooking.”Put plenty of goodness in that there paste."
Gook. A sunbonnet.
Goolniggan. A cuttle-rod.

Goos. Go.”Goos 'ome,” go home. ‘Gus on ome’.
Goosechick. A gosling.
Gorm. To speak in a loud angry voice.
Goss. Sedge, reeds.
Grafted. Ingrained with dirt.
Grainy. Proud, smart, rather vain.
Grammersow. A millepede/woodlouse
Grass. Surface. (A mining term.)
Go the west 'ome. An emphatic way of saying”Go home."
Greep. A trench at the foot of a hedge.
Grey. A badger.
Greybird. The song thrush.
Griddle. A gridiron.
Griddle. To broil, to toast.
Griglans. The dried stalks of heath.
Gripes. Ditches.
Grizzle. To grin broadly, to show the teeth.”Grizzling like a badger."
Groot. Small pieces of dried mud.
Grooted lagged in mud.
Groushams. The dregs of coffee, tea, etc.
Growan. A subsoil of decayed granite.
Growder. Decayed granite, in the form of gravel, used for scouring.
Growts. Dregs.
Grubling. Small, deformed ; emphatically a small cancered apple.
Grute. To clean up a furrow.
Gruter. The breast of a plough.
Guckoos. The blue-bells—wild hyacinths.
Gulge. To drink greedily or quickly.
Gumption. Common sense.
Gurgo, Gurgey. A low turf or stone hedge.
Gurry. A hand-barrow.
Gurt. A shallow ditch or drain.
Gurty-meat. The small entrails of a pig baked with blood, groats, etc.
Gurty-milk, A thin gruel made of milk or water, flour, salt, etc.
Gut-board. The earth-board of a plough.
Gweggan. A small shell fish.
Gwidgy-gwee. A small black spot caused by a pinch or bruise.
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Major Contributor
Hack. To dig.
Hackmale, Heckymile. The blue tit.
Haglan. A haw, the fruit of the hawthorn.
Hake. Out of proportion, not compact.”A great hake of a house."
Hale. The part of a wooden plough to which the handles, beam and foot were attached.
Hale. The principal room of a house, a parlour.
Half-crease. Half of the increase. Hens are often borrowed to hatch and rear chicken, the owner of the hen receiving half of the brood in payment. Bees, too, are frequently lent and the honey divided.
Hals-nut-hals. The hazel.
Hangbow. The hanging post of a gate.
Happard. A half-pennyworth.
Hapse. To fasten a door or gate, to catch.
Harby-pie. Herb pie.
Harve. A harrow.
Harve, Harvey. To harrow.
Hauves, Auvise, Auvice. The eaves of a house, stack,
Hay. An enclosure.”The church hay."

Hay-maiden. Ground-ivy.
Heap.”Struck all of a heap.”Frightened, amazed.
Heaping Stock. A stone platform from which horses are mounted.
Heave, Eave. To thaw, to give with damp.
Heavers. Eye-grass.
Heavy-cake. A flat cake made of flour, currants, fat, etc., and usually eaten hot.
[Hevva Cake, may have been made originally with barley and later acquired the fishing net pattern]
Hedgyboar. The hedgehog.
Heggan. A hard, dry cough.
Hell. To slate a roof.
Heller. A tiler.
Hellins. Slates.”All the hellins blown away." Sometimes ‘ellin sleyts’ more used for scantle slate than anything else. Bigger and heavier rough slate is Rag slate.
Het. To heat.
Hetted. Heated.”Hetted brath."
Hetter. A heater.
Hetter. A shackle.
Hetterpin. The pin of a shackle.
Hepse, Haps. The bottom leaf of a door, a half-door. A hepse door, a two leaf with a joint half way up.
Heva. The cry given by a huer to announce the approach
of the pilchard shoals.
Hibbal. A turnip ; a knoll, a hummock.
Hibet. The newt.
Hiding. A thrashing ‘Your Dad’ll give a right hiding’
Higgler. An itinerant dealer in butter, eggs, poultry, etc.
Hiles The beard of barley.
Hinge. The liver and lungs of an animal.
Hipped. Depressed in spirits ; ill in imagination ; hypochondriasis.
Hisk. A wheeze.”Such a hisk."
Hitch. To sew roughly and clumsily.”Hitch en together."
Hobbler. A ferryman ; a guide ; a touter.
Hoggan. A heavy cake of flour and currants, raisins or seeds, etc. A flat cake, often cooked with a piece of pork in the centre.”What have you there, my man?"—"A hoggan.”"What's that?"—"Why tis a a fuggan, to be sure."

Hoise, Hoisey. Hoarse of throat. 'My Gar, she's soundin a bit hoisy'
Hollenstnocks. The sea campion.
Holla-pot. A talkative, empty-headed person. [Empty vessels make the most noise]
Hollow-ware. Poultry as opposed to butcher's meat.
Hollow-work. Embroidery.
Holm. The holly.
Holm-screech. The missel-thrush (turdus viscivorur).
Home Close 'ome. To shut, to fasten.
Homer. The nearer.”Homer field."
Hoodwood. A forest.
Hoop. The bullfinch.
Hoot. To bray, to cry ; to whistle.”a steamer hooting." ‘We ‘ad some hoot of a time’
Hornywink. Poor, desolate.”A hornywink of a thing." [sometimes applied to ornament]
Horse-adder. The dragonfly.
Housin. Gossiping from house to house.
Hubba. A noise, a disturbance.
Hud. The husks of corn.
Huddicks. Grains of wheat not separated from the husks.
Huffles. The wind huffles.
Huer. The watchman who announces the approach of pilchard shoals, and signals their direction to the men in the seine boats, who cannot see the shoals from the boats into the deep waters..
Huggo. A sea cave, a cavern.
Hully. A hole in the rocks, often used as a store for shell fish.
Hungry. Stingy, mean. ‘He’s a bit lean and hungry, miserable toerag’
Hurler. A screen or griddle for sifting corn, etc.
Hurling. A Cornish game, in which the opposing parties try to get and retain possession of a ball, and to carry it into a goal.
Hurling-weather. Drying weather.


Major Contributor
Inchin'. To gradually encroach, to move bit by bit.“No inchin' mind, I’m a watchin of ee."
Inkle. Black tape.
Inklemakers. Tapemakers.
Innerds. The inward parts, the bowels.
Inyon. An onion.
Ire. Iron.
Iss. Yes.”Iss, that’ll do, my ansom"
Issterday. Yesterday.
Ivers ! An exclamation. ' My ivers !

Jack Harry's lights. St Elmo’s Fire. Phantom lights seen to play on the topmasts
Jack-o'-lantern. The will-o'-the-wisp (ignis fatuus).
Jacky-ralph. The rock-ray—the rasp.
Jakes. A state of untidyness.
Jan-jeak, john-jeak. A snail.
Jellyflower. The gillyflower Night Stock.
Jib. To refuse to pull, to be unwilling to start.
Jibs. Small waste bits of cloth.
Jibber. A horse that refuses to pull.
Joan-blunt. A forthright out-spoken woman.
Johnner. Starling.
Johnny-Come-fortnight. A travelling draper.
Joram. A large cup; an earthenware vessel.”A geat joram of tay."
Joust. To jolt, to hustle.
Jouster. A hawker of butter, eggs, etc.
Jowdle. To jolt, to shake.
Jowds. Shreds or small pieces.”Dang, left that pan on too long, Boiled to jowds."
Just alive. A mining term, used when the ore in a lode can scarcely be seen.

Kayher. A sieve.
Kearn. To harden, to fill up.
Kearning. The filling up or hardening of the grain of corn.
Keave. To separate the short straw from thrashed corn.
Keggas. Tall herb plants.
Keels. Skittles.
Keel-alley. A skittle-alley and a place to draw up boats.
Keem. To comb with a small tooth comb.
Keeming-comb. A small tooth comb.
Keenly. A mining term indcating probability of mineral.
Keeping company. Sweethearting, courting.
Keep on. To nag, to reiterate. '' Don't keep on so."
Kekezza. A variety of heath (erica pagansJ.
Kellas. The earth-nut, the common pig-nut.
Kennel. A sty on the eye.
Kew, Cue. An ox shoe ; the iron plate on the heel of a boot.
Kex. Dried stalks.
Kibbat. A slap or blow.
Kibbal, Kibble. A bucket for drawing water ; an iron bucket for drawing ore, rubbish, water, etc., from mines.
Kibbing. Repairing fences.

Kiddlywink, Tiddlywink. A beershop.
Kidge. To stick together (as a broken bone), to adhere.
Kieve. A large tub.
Killiars. Rough, ferny ground.
Killick, Kellick. A grapple used as an anchor for boats.
Kit. The buzzard or kite.
Kit. Kindred, crew, gang.”The whole kit n caboodle."
Kittens. The kidneys.
Kittereen. A van, a rude kind of omnibus.
Kitey. Flighty, undependable. ‘Don’t mind im, he’s gona a bit kitey’.
Kitting. Stealing. (A mining term—purloining ore underground.)
Kittybags. Coarse pieces of cloth, or straw bands used as leggings.
Kiskan. A small sheaf of corn.
Kiskey. Brittle ; the dry stalk of herb plants ; or the thistle.
Klidgy, Clidgy. Sticky, viscous, adhesive.
Klop. To walk lame.
Knack. To stop working.”The bal's knacked."
Knacking. A handkerchief.
Knap. The top of the hill.
Knuckle-in. To give in, to submit.”Don't you knuckle in to him,"
Knick. To cheat, to deceive, to outdo.
Kowks. The feet (in contempt).”Thee scat they great kowks into my leg"
Kybosh. Affectation, display, pretence. To expose the fact .. ‘that’s put the kybosh on that’.
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Major Contributor
Labbat. The ear.”I'll pull your labbats, if you don’t watch your lip."
Lace. A measure of land—18 feet square
Lace. To thrash, to beat. Usually when two people are in a fight.
'He scat into me, so I laced into un'
Lacing. A thrashing.
Lace-ups. Laced boots. Laces were of cut leather.
Lag. To bedraggle, to plaster in mud.
Lagged. Dress covered with mud ; to have the garments covered with mud.
Lamb's-tails. The willow blossom.
Lambswool. A drink made of hot milk, eggs, sugar, and nutmeg.
Lank. Loose.
Lanky. Overgrown, long and thin.
Lap. Wet, muddy clothing left about the house.”A lot of dirty lap."
Lappior. A dancer ; a miner who dresses the refuse ores that are left.
Lask. A thin slip of fish used as bait.
Lasking. Keeping close into land.
Lash. To pour, to rain heavily ; to throw with force. “tis Lashing down."
Lashings. Plenty, a large quantity.
Latten, Lattice. Tin, tinware.
Lattice-pan. A tin pan.
Launder. Eaves gutter generally of wood to carry off water from the roofs of houses.
Leary. Hungry, weak and faint from hunger ; empty, void. (a mining term for the spare underground from which the mineral has been removed.)

Lease. To pick stones off land ; to gather, to glean.
Lease-cattle. Cattle not yet turned to fatten, milkless cows.
Leat. A small river, a stream.
Leatherwing. The bat.
Letn. An imp, a rogue, when used of a person.
Lem. Feature.”His face is his best lem."
Lemon-plant. The verbena.
Lent-lily. The daffodil.
Lerrup. A blow ; to thrash.
Lerrup/Larrup. An untidy person, a slattern. Also rags.
Letterpooch, Letterputch. A slattern, an untidy per son ; also a kind of dance.
Levan, Leaven. Fermented dough used in barley bread instead of yeast
Lew, Lewth. Shelter ; out of the wind.
Liard. A liar. Used as an insult.
Lick. A scrape, a hasty wipe over. ‘Gave him a lick across the head’
Lick-and-a-promise. Carelessly done.”Give un a lick-and-a-promise.
Licks. Leeks.
Lidden. An old tale, a repitition of abuse, etc.”No more of your lidden."
Lights. The lungs.
Likely. Tall; well-formed. ‘a likely lad’
Lime-ash. A sort of cement used for flooring.”A lime-ash floor."
Lime-kill. A lime-kiln.
Linnick. A linnet.
Linhay. A shed with a roof but no sides ; a cattle-shed.
Lintern. A lintel.
Linuth. Kidney.
Linuth-duff. Kidney pudding.
Listing. The selvage of flannel, etc. ; the coloured stripes on a blanket.
Lisamoo, Lizzamoo. The cow-parsnip.
Littlemount. A game of bat and ball, a sort of”rounders," which was always played on St. Michael's Mount on Easter Mondays by the whole of the inhabitants, young and old..
Loady-apple. A double apple.
Loagy. Dull, slow, heavy in gait.
Lobb. To wean a calf.
Locust. A sweet made of treacle.
Lodger (in Newlyn). A vessel moored off in the lake is spoken of as”out in the lodger.'' The area beached is the Lodgia.
Log. To rock, to move to and fro.
Logan-rock. A rock capable of being rocked.
Long-cripple. A viper, a snake.
Looch. The short straw, chaff, etc., from thrashing; refuse.
Lords-and-ladies. The arum maculatum.
Loug. Slow in movement, heavy.

Louster. To work hard, to labour.”They that can't schemy must louster."[ either learn and work in an office or sweat blood in a mine or fishing].
Loustering. Big, able to work.”A great loustering girl."
Love-entangle. The flannel-flower.
Lubber-cock. Turkey cock ; also a term of contempt-“A great lubber-cock."
Lubber-headed fool, a simpleton.
Lucky-bone. The knuckle-bone of a leg of mutton, used sometimes as a charm.
Lug. A worm found in sea-sand.
Lugg. Grass and weeds in corn.
Lump. To bear, to put up with, to be resigned.”If you don't like it, you can lump it.
Lurgy. A fit of laziness, or generally feeling bad.”He's got the lurgy, poor lummox."
Lyners. Small bundles of reed.
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Major Contributor
Mabyers. Young hens.
Maggot. A magpie.
Mait. To feed.”Have ee maited the pigs ?
Malkin. A slattern ; a rag mop used for cleaning ovens.
Mallygolder. A large jelly-fish.
Man-engine. A machine by which miners ascend and descend the shafts of deep mines.
Manshons. Small loaves baked without tins.
Margay-Soup. Soup of a kind of dog-fish, parsley, etc.
Maun, Maund. A hamper, a large basket.
May. The blossom of the hawthorn.
May-bird. The whimbrel.
Maygam, May-game. Fun, frolic ; to make a butt of.
Mazed. Mad, cracked-brained.”Mazed as a curly.''
Mazed-getty-puttick, Maze-gerry-pattrick. A wild harum-scarum fellow.
Mazlin, Mazzlin. Silly, bewildered.”Scat un mazzlin."
Meader. A mouse.
Meat-earth. The surface soil.
Meggyhowler, Meggahowler. A large night moth.
Meezy-y-mazy. Muddled, confused, bewildered ; a game.
Melt. The soft roe of fishes.
Merl. The link of a chain.
Merry-dancers. The northern lights (aurora borealis)
Merryman. A clown.
Metheglin. A drink made from honey, etc.
Mews. Moss.
Minch, Minchy. To play truant.
Mingofle-com-por. Confusion, discord, muddle.
Milchy. The flour from sprouted corn.
Milky-disel, Milky-dizle. The thistle.
Milyer. The hinge of a door or gate which works with a pin in a stone ; axle or pivot on which a wheel or roller turns.
Miss-the-hand. To make a mistake, to blunder.”Missed her hand there,"
Mocket. The bib of an apron.
Moile. A mule.
Molly-caudle. An effeminate man. Used as in Molly-coddling, overly attentintive caring.
Monger. A horse collar made of twisted straw.
Moole. To knead bread.
Moonshine. Smuggled brandy.
Moorstone. Surface found weathered occasionally metamorphic Granite.
Mops-and-brooms. Disorder, sixes and sevens ; muddled with drink.
Mopse. A bridle with blinkers.
Moppey-heedy. Hide and seek.
More, Maur. A root.
More-and-moold. Root and branch.
Mort, Mart. Lard.
Morrops. Sheep-runs near the sea.
Mot, Mote. The stump of a tree, etc.
Mother. A fungus which forms in fluids, such as vinegar, cider, etc.
Mother-margets, Mother-margeys. The bluebottle.
Mow. A stack.
Mowhay. The yard in which the ricks are placed.
Muck. Filth, dung.
Muggard. The mugwort.
Mulligrubs. The colic.
Mully. The bull-head (cottus gohio).
Mumper. A tramp, a beggar.
Mun. Rotten fish used as manure. Left in a Mun pit to rot.
Munge. To chew.
Murfles. Freckles, spots on the skin.
Mur. A puffin.
Murphy. A potato.
Muryans, Mirrians. Ants.
Mutting. Sulky, sulking.


Major Contributor
Nackin. A handkerchief.
Nailspring, nailsprig. A small splinter of skin at the root or side of a finger nail.
Nan ? Anan ? What do you say?
Narry one. Not one.
Nashed. Afflicted, weak in body, sickly.
Nattlings. Pigs' entrails.
Neap. A turnip.
Near, Neary. Miserly.
Neck. The last sheaf of wheat cut in the harvest.
Nekegga. A kind of heath, callum vulgaris.
Nessle-bird. The youngest or smallest in the nest ; the youngest of a family.
Nick. To deceive, to take in.
Niddle, Niddil. A needle.
Niff. A temper, a pet.
Niflin, Newflin. Newfoundland cod.
Night-crow. A term applied to children who stay up late at nights.
Night-rear. A nightcap.
Noggle-head. A simpleton.
Nonce, Nouse. To act designedly, on purpose.
Nose-warmer. A short clay pipe.
Nort. Nothing.
Nosey. Saucy, interfering.
Nub. A lump.”A nub of coal."
Nuddick. The nape of the neck.
Nut-hals. The hazel.
Nyst, Nist. Near by, close to.

Oak-web. A cockchafer.
Oar-weed. Sea-weed.
Odds, no odds. No difference.
Off yer chump. Mad, insane.
Oiler. A waterproof, oilskin.
Old men's bucks. Old mine workings.
Ollick, Hollick. A kind of leek.
Ope. Opening.
Ore-dresser. One who is thoroughly acquainted with the methods of separating and cleaning ores.
Organ. The herb pennyroyal.
Orts. Fragments.
Outlander. A foreigner.
Out of core. Working in one's spare time.
Overlook. To bewitch.
Over run the constable. Gone in debt, come to the end of one's resources.
Overgone. Excited, carried away with delight.
Ozle, Uzzle, Ouzle. The windpipe
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Major Contributor
Paddylincum. The small boneless squid.
Padgypaow. A lizard.
Paens. Parsnips.
Palched. Of weak or broken constitution in a person.
Pallace. A cellar used for the balking of pilchards.
Pancrack. An earthenware vessel, a small pan.
Panshon. A milk-pan.
Pare. A gang or company of men working at the same thing, a detachment, a set of things.
Parrick. A small coarse earthenware jug.
Parson-in-the-pulpit. The cackoo-pintfarummaculatum). Cuckoo Pint
Passel. A large number, a quantity.
Patchook. A billhook.
Pattick, Paddick. A stupid, senseless person.
Papishers. Papists.
Pea. The hard roe in fishes.
Peart. Lively.
Peath. A draw-well.
Peaze. To weigh.
Pednans. Pieces, parts.
Pedn-pral. A horse's head.
Pedn-paley. The tom-tit.
Peeny. Musty (applied to stale meats).
Pellas, Pelaz. The naked oats, the avena nuda of Eay.
Peltering. Pelting, pouring down (as of rain),
Pennard. A pennyworth.
Pennyleggan. Penniless.
Penny short. Not too wise.
Pernic, Pernick. Precise, stiff in manner, prim, neat.
Pervans. Frayed edges.
Piddlymean, Pednamene. two or more articles lying side by side the reverse way.
Piff. To offend, to vex.
Piggywidden. The smallest of the litter, the youngest of a family.
Pig's-crow. A pigsty.
Pilcher. A pilchard.

Piler. An instrument of crossed iron used for beating off the ears of barley from the grain.
Pilf. Dry stubble ; filmy dust.
Pillyer. A hummock or small heathy knoll like an anthill, found in light uncultivated land.
Pilm. Light fibrous dust or down.
Pilmer. A downpour of rain.
Pinbone. The hip.
Pindy meat. Tainted meat.
Pinnick. The wryneck (attendant on the cucko)).
Pip. A disease common to fowls.
Pipped. Offended, vexed.
Piskey. A fairy.
Piskey-led. Bewildered, perplexed, led away by the fairies.
Piskey-ridden. The nightmare.
Piskeystool. A mushroom.
Pitch. To pave. (A mining term.)
Pitch-to. To set to work earnestly.
Pitch up to. To make advances.
Pitwork. Mining machinery placed in the shafts to draw the water from below.
Planchin. A wooden floor.
Plat. A level place.
Plat down. To smooth, to press down.
Plat-footed. Flat-footed.
Plethon. To plait, to braid.
Plisher. A branch that has been bent down and fastened with crooks.
Plosh. A wet, miry place.
Plosher. A young bream.
Pluff. Spongy, soft, tough.

Plum. Soft, crackbrained.
Pluman. A plum.
Plump. A draw-well.
Poam. To thump, to beat.
Pock. A shove.
Poddlin round. Doing odd jobs ; working aimlessly ;meddling.
Podger. A small coarse earthenware vessel, a platter.
Podgy. Short, stumpy.
Polan. A salt water pool.
Pook. A cock of hay or turf.
Poot. A kick like a horse, a push with the foot.
Pop-an-towse. Fuss, an uproar.
Pop-dock. The foxglove.
Por, Pore. A fuss, a temper, a rage.
Poss-up. To support, to prop-up, to lean against.
Pound. A cider mill.
Powdered. Slightly salted, corned.
Powers. A great deal, a quantity.

Prall. To tie tin pans, kettles, papers, etc., to the tail of animals or to a person’s coat.
Praze, Prase. A small common.
Preedy. Pert ; precocious ; conceited ; forward.
Prink, To pleat.
Prinky. Attentive to dress, spruce, natty.
Prinking-along. Walking daintily or aflfectedly.
Pritchell. A heath stem or other article used to stick in the wick of a chill (lamp) to prevent its falling back into the oil ; the pointed piece of iron used by a smith to stick in the nail-hole of a horse-shoe for the purpose of holding it to the hoof.
Progue. To prod.
Prong. A silver fork.
Proper. Handsome.
Proud-flesh. Inflamed flesh.
Prove. To thrive.
Punyon. The angle of a roof, a gable.
Punyon end. The gable end.
Purvan. The pith of the rush, used as wicks.
Put the miller's eye out. To mix too much water with dough in cooking, or too much spirit in grog.
Puzzle-headed spoons. Apostle spoons.
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Major Contributor
Quail. To fade, to wither.
Quailaway. A sty on the eyelid.
Quam. A qualm, a fainting fit.
Quarry. A pane of glass.
Queel. To wriggle, to coil, to twist.
Quellat, Quillet. A small field or enclosure.
Queens. Scallops.
Queer. Beds or layers of ground. (A mining term.)
Queock. The horn of a bullock's hoof, often used by miners for pouring water into the holes they are boring.
Quilkin. A frog.
Quirkish. Jokingly.
Quilter, To beat, to thrash.

Rab. Hard, gravelly ground., the killas base.
Rabble-rout. A noisy mob.
Race. A strand or string (of onions chiefly) ; a row of things.
Radjall. A loose heap of large stones, such as waste from a quarry.
Rag, Ragging. The blowing of the wind before rain.
Ramping. Raging.
Ran. A wren.
Ran-dan. Gadding about.”Always upon the ran-dan."
Randigal. A rigmarole, a nonsensical, unconnected story.
Randyvooze. Confusion ; riot ; also a place of meeting. (French, rendez-vous.)
Ranters. Early Primitive Methodists.
Rare, Rear. Early.
Rash. Brittle, crisp.
Ratlan. Fallow.
Raw milk. New unskimmed milk.
Raw ream. Cream from milk that has not been scalded.
Rawnish. Hungry, ravenous.
Ream. To separate the cream from milk.

Ream. To stretch, make bigger.
Reamer. A skimmer.
Reese. To beat out corn.
Reese. The falling of grain from the ears of corn, the falling out of grain.
Regrator. An itinerant dealer in poultry, etc. ; a hawker.
Rescan, Ruskin. A small stack or rick of reed.
Riders. A circus.
Riffled. Roofs unslated by a storm, uncovered.
Rig. A frolic, a noise.
Riggle, Riddle. To clear or stir up the fire.”Riddle out the grate."
Roadling, Roodling. Wandering in mind, delirious.
Roker. A cheat.
Ropy. Applied to flour that has lost its freshness and has been injured by damp, but more correctly applied to the bread made from such flour ; stringy.
Rory-tory. Conspicuously smart or gay ; tawdry.
Rouging. Lifting with difficulty, violent labour.
Rouse. A rattling noise.
Roving. Raving.
Rows. Refuse from ore, which refuse has not yet had its tin separated from it.
Row-tin. The mineral ore or black tin which has been separated from the rows.
Rubbage. Rubbish, refuse.
Ruddick. The wooden beam across a cart which acts as a hinge on which it is tilted.
Rull. To roll corn into sheaves ready for the binders.
Rummet. Dandruff.
Rumped-Up. Drawn together with cold.
Rumpy. Uneven.
Run. A landslip.
Runner. A round towel placed on a roller, usually placed behind kitchen doors.
Rusking-Comb. A large tooth comb.
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Major Contributor
Sampson. A drink made of brandy, cider, and sugar, with a little water.
Sampson with his hair on. Sampson made with a double quantity of brandy.
Sam-sawdled. Not well cooked, only partly ready. [sam – half]
Sappy. Silly, not wise.
Saund-sleeper, Seven-sleeper. The Buanet moth.
Save-all. A pinafore, an apron.
Sawan. A cave at the bottom of a cliff.
Sawdle. To cook slowly, to simmer.
Sawg. A stump.
Scaow, Scow. The elder tree.
Scat. To break ; to knock ; to slap. A blow.”A scat in the chacks."
Scat. Ruined, bankrupt.”Gone scat." A season, a spell.”A scat of dryth."
Scaunse. Sense.
Scavell-an-gow, Skavelling-gow. Rag-tag and bob-tail, riff-raff.
School. A shoal of fish.
Sdum. To scratch.
Scollops. Greaves.
Scoot. To rush away, to hurry.
Scoot-a-paw, Scutapaw. A flat shallow-bottomed boat.
Scouring-geaard. Decomposed granite used for scouring.
Scramming. Searching about for what can be picked up. Scrounging.

Scranch. To crunch.
Scrawed. Scorched, dried up, withered.
Screech. A quick blaze or fire of heath or furze.
Screw. The shrew mouse.
Scriff. To draw together with cold ; to stoop over the fire ; to nestle for shelter from the cold.
Scriff-Scraff. The refuse, or cast-off bits.
Scrimp. To pinch, to give meagre quantity.
Scrimpin. Meagre, miserly.
Scrinked. Screwed up, wrinkled.
Scroached, Scrolled, Scrowled. Scorched, broiled.
Scroff. Refuse ; small potatoes, etc.
Scroft. The foam of the sea.
Scrovey. Mean. Tight with money.
Scrow. To scratch.
Scrowlers. Broiled pilchards.
Scruff. The nape of the neck.”Got en by the scruff."
Scruff. To take hold of ; to pull about ; to fight.
Scrump. To hump the shoulders.
Scud. To spill, to scatter, to spread.
Scuddy-ground. Rough, uneven ground.
Scudmore. Small pieces of floating wreckage; driftwood. “I saw a vessel strike the Cowlow ; she scat all to scudmore, and the broushans came ashore in the cove."
Scur. To scratch.
Scute. The iron on the heel of a boot or shoe.
Sem. To appear, to seem.
Seame. A horse load.
Seed. Saw.
Seyme. Melted fat, grease.”Goose seyme."
Shallal-band. A band of persons with tin kettles, pans, etc., to ironically serenade newly-married couples.
Shally-go-naked. A flimsy or poor clothing. Something or nothing.
Shape. Disorder, confusion, condition.”A pretty shape he's in, I can tell ee."
Shave your head and go east. A contemptuous phrase.
Shedrick Delapidated.
Sherds. Pieces of broken pottery.
Sherming. Big, large.

Shern. A cream dish. “Here's a fern, To measure your shern,
Please give us a mossel (morsel) of bread and cream."
A May-day song, when parties of children visited the farm houses, bringing with them ferns to measure the cream dish. If one was big enough to go round the dish, bread and cream was given.

Shevver. The bar of a gate.
Shevver. The sheath (sheet) of an oven.
Shig, Shug. To cheat or trick in games or in play.
Shimshanking. Mean, shuffling.
Shine. Uproar, row, fuss, stir.”Never seed such a shine in your life."
Shiner. An occasional sweetheart. “took some shine to ‘er, he did”
Shoal. To sponge or hang on to others.
Shoaler. A person who sponges on others.
Shoaling. Imposing on good nature, sponging.
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Major Contributor
Shot. A species of trout.
Showl. A shovel.
Shrim. A cold shiver, a chill.
Shrump. To shrug.
Shute. A stream of water.
Skeat.”A skeat of rain.”A heavy fall of rain.
Skeat. A rent ; a rag ; to tear.
Skedgewith. The privet.
Skeet. To squirt water, to syringe.”Skeet the winders."
Skeeter. A syringe.
Skever. A skewer.
Skew, Skiff. A slight driving shower, driving misty rain.
Skew wiff. All over the place, not sitting right, untidy.
Skibbat, Skivet. A small compartment in a chest.
Skitter. To make ‘ducks and drakes on water’ ; to slide. Toss a spinning flat pebble or slate at a low angle to make it bounce over the waves.
Skittery. Slippery.
Skrim, Skrum. To shiver with cold.
Skrinked. Wrinkled up, screwed.
Skurge, Scourge. To touch obliquely, a light oblique touch, to glance against.
Skute, Scute. The iron on the heel of a boot or shoe.
Slaggy. Wet, miry.
Slaw-cripple. The slow-worm.
Slawterpooch. An ungainly, slovenly person.
Slew. To turn on one side, to twist around.”She slewed 'round."
Slewed. Intoxicated.
Sliddery. Slippery.”Tha’s some Sliddery quay."
Slide. A sledge.
Slights.”In his slights.”Partly dressed, not fully clothed. [dishabille]
Slinger. A jobber.
Slips.Young pigs.

Slivers. Pieces.
Slock. To entice, to draw away, to lead astray.
Slocum. A slow, heavy person, an idler.
Slone. The sloe.
Slooch. To scrape the feet in walking, to drag.”Slooching along."
Sloot. To scrape or drag the feet.
Slooge. Fine dust caused by the working of a drill.
Sloots. Old shoes or slippers.
Slotter. To spill about.
Slottery. Damp, muddy weather.
Slump. An unskilled, careless worker.
Small people. The fairies.
Smead. The pole of a scythe.
Smeech. A strong disagreeable smell caused by burning rags, etc. “That oven’s too hot, tis smeechin’ somethin’ awful.”
Smeet. To snigger, to laugh, to giggle.
Smudder. A cloud of smoke or dust.
Smulk. A dirty, disagreeable person.

Snodderwig. A black beetle.”Granny, plumans got leggas ?”'' No, cheeld vean !”“Then I been and clunked a snodderwig."
Snowl. To loudly crunch or chew.
Soase. Colloquial expression equivalent to saying '' friends, folks, companions,”
Sodger. A red herring.
Sog. The fitful sleep or unconsciousness of a person in sickness.
Soursop. The sorrel.—Soursops and nettles were reckoned great dainties with children.
Spal, Spaal. To fine for loss of time.
Spall. To break stones or minerals.
Spalling-hammer. A small sledge for breaking stones, etc.
Span. A tether, a fetter.
Sparble-pie. A kick (from a boot).
Spare. A term applied to work which ill repays the time and labour bestowed on it.
Spar-stone. Granite.
Sparr. To disagree, to nag, to argue.
Spell.To throw out hints toward an end.

Spicketty. Speckled.”A spicketty hen."
Spiff. Smart, dressy.”Looking spiff."
Spiffy. Rather grand, spicy, stuck-up, showy.”A spiffy old dear."
Spinning-drone. The cockchafer.
Spence. A cupboard under a stairs.
Spit. To cut up the top soil with a shovel ; the top soil to the depth of a shovel.
Splat. A plot of ground.”The green splat."
Splatty. Bespattered, spotted.
Splitting along. Hurrying.
Sprall. To fetter.
Spraggly. An irregular pattern, an uneven design.”All spraggly like."
Sprawl. Energy.”Hardly sprawl to move along."
Sprawls. A disease common to young ducks and chicken.
Spray. To roughen, to chap.
Sprayed. Chapped with the wind, roughened.
Spronncy. Lively, jolly, excited.
Sprouncing. Walking heavily, stamping.
Spud. A troublesome child.
Spuds. Potatoes.
Spur. A spell of work.
Spurt, Sput. Temper, rage.”In a spurt."
Sputter. To stammer with rage.
Squabba. Small pieces.”Scat all to squabba."
Squab-pie. A pie of apples, onions, meat, raisins, etc.

Squard. A rent or tear.
Squinney. To squint, to turn the eyes, to look athwart.
Squitches. Jerks, jumps.”She's got the squitches.''
Stag. To stick in the mud, to be over shoes in the mud.
Stain, Stean. A coarse earthenware vessel.
Stank, To tread heavily ; to stamp.
Stare. A starling.

Stave. To thrust, to strike. ‘Tis all staved in with the wind.’
Stave. To walk quickly, to hurry along.
Stayed, Staid. Aged.
Steeve. A draught of wind.
Steeve. To be chilled, to be nearly frozen
Stem. A day's work.
Steppons, Stippons. Stone steps.
Stew. A fuss, rage. ‘In a right stew’
Stickings, Strickings. The last drops of a cow's milk.
Stillwaters. Distilled peppermint water. (A favourite remedy.)
Stiracoose. A bustling woman.
Stock.”Christmas stock.”The yule log.
Stounds. Sharp shooting pains.”Stounds in the head."
Strake. To sweep lightly and carelessly ; to stray.
Strake. An appliance for cleaning ore.
Straking. Straying, wandering about.
Stram. A loud noise.
Strain. To run heedlessly ; to slam.
Stramming. Exaggerated.”A stramming great lie; a”stramming great bonnet.''
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