Workshops along the seafront

Workshops along the seafront

I think this picture was taken in 1930 of the workshops down by Battery Rocks. I might be wrong about this because the information supplied was shady.
Picture Supplied by Robin Meek.
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As far as I can work out, the project was undertaken piecemeal, sections at a time, That way stonework was used to build the new gardens and sea wall.That pillar on the far seawall is there to this day. Great stuff ... From this photograph, by line projection and angles, I can work out the road layout at the time, as I have the map for 1875, 1908 and 1936. I also have the roadway route formed in 1838.
Would I be right in thinking that the Barbican is out of sight behind the shell of the buiding on the right and this road in the foreground is Coinagehall St. that curves today round past the back of the Dock Inn where Tutthill s Coal Merchants used to be, and forks left behind St Anthony s Gardens into Green St. and in front of the Yacht, or continues upwards to St Mary s Church and Chapel Street?
The road to the far left is Green Street/UnderChapel Yard junction as it meets Battery Road; Coinagehall Street commences up further behind The Bethel (by Oliver Caldwell); as you say. The Barbican area is as you say. My grandfather used to work in this area as vessels discharged their coal here on Batten s Wharf. The area now covered by Jubilee Pool was scooped out by the sea many years ago, as it was a soft killas, and it formed a bathing area and basin for the delivery of cargo. My grandmother and my aunts and uncles used to find a lot of coins in the shore and on the rocks when ships had left the wharf.
The same regarding coins is true of the old section of shore below the Red Lion in Newlyn Harbour, I have read.
Great historical photo. Never seen this view before. Very interesting to see this area as it was when my great great grandfather lived and worked around here.

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