wagon wheel

wagon wheel

Well my mum told me and I can remember this to be the case that these wagon wheels used to be HUGE!!! not like they are today
It seems that everything is now smaller compared to when we were kids, could it be that we are just so much bigger and as a child things looked big by comparison.
Not a chance ... they were real wagon wheels, and they were covered with chocolate, thick. I am still a sucker for them, despite the fact they are now covered with thin plastic substitute chocolate.
I can remember the time when you could buy a wagon wheel at the start of the day, have half for breakfast, another half for your dinner, another half for your tea and still have enough left for a hefty old supper before bed.
you were lucky - our matchbox didn t have a lid, and we got wet when it rained ... this is Monty Python isn t it?
By the way, there is a web page out there on the original Wagon Wheel, and he has kept an original, unopened, to prove just what size they were ... and I thought I was eccentric.

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Sweets when we were kids!
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