Trouble in Poundland

Trouble in Poundland

Went to Poundland twice today. What a superb job they have done with the store. On the surface it looks like they have a lot more staff than Woolworth ever did.
Sparky noticed that some of the stuff for sale would cost £5 or more but on sale for £1. For instance a WII to HD TV connector sells at £19.99 in Currys but Poundland sell the same brand for £1.
So why then did a bunch of local school girls organise a shoplifting outing.
Their face was a picture when the old bill poured in to arrest the lot of them. The sudden realisation that not only do Poundland employ store detectives..... but now their stupid childish game was over and the reality had just kicked in.
Why steal at all.... but from a shop that offers such discount....... surely that's the biggest insult to our latest employer
Beggars belief that in this age of wealth and prosperity that the mentality exists to deprive others and to gain illegally.
to deprive others and to gain illegally.
Perhaps we should ask our political leaders what they think should be done about such behaviour.
Am I the only one who finds themselves just a little surprised that the police have the resources to come flying in to tackle a group of schoolgirls (not that I condone their actions for a moment), but can be conspicuous by their absence when real trouble flares up in town?
@BOP - I have enough issues over policing that I could open a new thread, but - you are quite right.
@P_Trembath - I assume that your reference is to expenses claims. That is a matter of historical record that rank hath its privileges from Roman politics to modern military juntas and religious mania but it does not make it right.

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