N.J.Hall and Sons

N.J.Hall and Sons

Taken in the 1970s by John Gendall showing what was then N.J.Hall and Sons.
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Always a splendid window display with the packets of tea and jars of jam piled high at N. J. Hall and Sons, in the Greenmarket, Penzance, in the 1970s. When this Quality Grocers since 1870 closed, the distinctive pillars were lost in the re-design for the Abbey National Building Society.The Abbey National closed and made way for NCT estate agents.
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I recall my first ever sight of a colour televison was in that shop window. It was showing the first moon landings. I recall an old chap commenting how the colours were some wisht, which of course they were as almost everything was grey.
On the other side of N J Hall used to be Graves Delicatessan with hares and pheasants hanging up at the front. There were no windows it was just open. They also sold really exotic food like escargot in jars!
I seem to remember that as Trethewey's that was also a fishmonger and next door was Curry's and then Fox the Chemist followed by Vivian Thomas and Jervis and Harry Perry pork butchers the Alverton Inn and so forth....
memories !!!

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