Cricket 1st Team 1956

Cricket 1st Team 1956

Back row: Kenny Hosking, Michael Sheppard, Tommy Matthews, D. White, Arthur Hosken, Reg Osborne. / Front row: Tony Jasper, David Jory, Horace Giles, A. "Duck" Murley, M. Barnicoat, Owen Williams, Mr. Harvey.
Thanks dingdongd. There has been some confusion over this image - it was originally in the 1955 year folder but the same photo was in the 1957 folder with a full set of names. I've asked around and the concensus of opinion is that this must have been 1956/57 or 1957/58. I've hedged my bets and left it as 1957!!
Will try to work it out. I think back row 4th from left could be Anthony Holman, so when you meet down the Queen's Hotel, you may be able to confirm.
Just back from the annual reunion at the Queen's. This photo confirmed as 1957. Tony Holman not in the photo - back row 4th from left is a chap called D. White (Christian name forgotten!). Full set of names now provided.
Have had a look. Didn't know any others, but I'm certain that it is Graham Giles (not Horace) because he used to play cricket for St. Just 1st team, ? as a fast bowler. Cheers.
Thanks dingdongd Giles' full name was Horace Graham Giles - he joined the school in 1951 from Paul. His contemporaries knew him as Horace at school but he was obviously known by his second name in later years. I've put them both in the image description.
Proper job. Hope I was not being a pain. I believe there is still a 'Giles' farming near Kerris.

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