Coombe Cottage

Coombe Cottage

I didn't really know where to put this picture so I've put it here in Treneere. Most of you who remember the cottage at the bottom of the Coombe next to the coal yard will remember that lanky farmer who chased us and, indeed, shot one or two of us with salt pellets from his twelve bore! Ah those were the days :)
Pic by Di and Den.
Lol @ being shot by salt pellets!I remember lads boasting about getting hit when i was a kid and they thought it was big!
I have a picture of the cottage before it became derelict; lived in Treneere for many years as a child, I got on very well with Farmer Wallis and his son, until I chose to see if his crates would float, and they did, all the way down the Coombe river. He did see the funny side of it though.

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