Hi again Halfhidden,
I wasn't suggesting a permanent group of the general public watched over every move or order made by the police chiefs, but after ANY Public outcry about the conduct of officials in ANY department, the general public (Twelve Good Men And True) should be invited to any tribunials or enquiries held (They cost enough of taxpayers money) to make sure the views of the majority could be heard. How many such investigations are held off camera, no reporting, just a prepared statement being issued at the end of a whitewash? Now you may say that they're not whitewash's, but under the present legislation can you say that with hand on your heart? I don't think so! Personally i'm not interested in the details of how the official messed up, or broke their oath, I would like to see a JUST result leading to someone actually being held to their sworn oath and taking responsibility for their mistake. As for Lawyers Doctors and Magistrates being involved in the place of the public, why?? What sense of right or wrong have they got that differs from ours? In fact Lawyers and Magistrates are duty bound to come down on the side of the police on any inquiry held, simply by means of their trade, for surely those trades count on the police for their livelyhood.
Here's the thing, and it's a fact, any judge or magistrate is obliged to have about his person his sworn oath in any court of law. He cannot function as a Judge without it. If he hasn't got it and you don't ask, he can act beyond his authority in the case he is trying, eg directing the jury to the advantage of the defense. If you want proof of this (and i've done it) walk in to a Magistrates court and ask "Sir are we on record and do you have your oath on your person?" Now that does cause a stir!! They threw my silly case out, I've never heard from them since.
Here's another little tit-bit, any evidence you may send in to the court about your case (Even if it's only a parking ticket that you know for sure was a fiddle) to the magistrates which you feel may aid your defence and you are relying on that for a fair result, may not even be seen by them at all. It goes to the Clerk of the Court, now if he feels for any reason that the Magistrates don't have to see it, (Hey we're running late) he can quite legally put it in his Court papers and not even mention it, you're guilty by default. The only way a Magistrate will get your notice is if you seal it in an envelope and send it to the Court with your case number on it and FOR THE MAGISTRATES EYES ONLY. written in bold letters. How many people have been fined or worse because of this scenario ?? Do you know what is terrible about this, the fact that you and I were never told. This is happening Country wide, in every court that dishes out fines wholesale.
I'm finding out quite a few things that they haven't revealed to us, and my question is "WHY". The answer is plain and simple, the more we know the less they can pull the wool over our eyes. That's just it, they don't want us to know their business. The only people that make money from the sham that stands for justice in this country at Magistrates level are The Courts, and the Police. Every political party that's arrived on the British table over the last twenty years has put in their election manifesto, "More Open Government" "More Freedom Of Information" Blah Blah Blah. If there's anyone on this forum that feels more informed after their empty promises, just let me know. There are more secrets being witheld now than ever before, and we now have to wait 100, THAT'S ONE HUNDRED YEARS before some are released under the official secrets act. Can't wait to see those eh ??