

Here we have a picture of my uncle Fred (Murley)
taken at the back of Wherrytown cottages
Picture supplied Tricia and Ron James
Are you thinking of Dave and mickey Murley? if so their Dad was called Gordon lived in St Michaels cottages, New Street and worked in the Quarry at Newlyn
Brian Richards
I think that was a different family,I remember Mickey being on the PZ water polo team he was a good swimmer as was his father
Yes, Mickey did work down the docks grew up with him and his brother in New Street.
I don t recall a Mickey Murley being on the water polo team I spent many. many days at the swimming pool [my mother Phyliss Bottrell] worked there for a lot of years perhaps tou remember her? Maybe you are older than me. Im 65
Mickey still works down the docks, saw him about 6 this eve. I also spent many many days at the pool in the late 50 s, started apprentaship with S.W.E.B. 1960. I do remember your Mothers name and recognise your also Brian but can t get a connection, by the way mine is Alan Symons, if you go to users gallery and Symons55 you will find more photo s of me, age wise 64 coming up, feeling 21 ish. laugh# laugh# laugh#
yes Brian I do remember your parents and your mother being at the pool for many years.....
the Mickey Murley I refer to would be a man who today would be nearing his eighties as am I............

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