SmasH STeps

SmasH STeps

For absolutely no points: Where is this? Humorous replies required!
A vowel is missing hence the word is hast, but let us not proceed in haste, for that is what these letters are, but perhaps it is myself that is missing and it is hist? We may get an answer - we will have to ask the host, we may well be at her be-hest, but certainly you cannot be included, unless there is a hust? My grandfather used to reel off the old alphabet, in which H 4s 32 .... work it out ... As for Orses, Beef or dinner, C for Fred, D for Daft ... G for Police ... I find it odd that S is blushing in the company of tea, but Aitch is all alone. But I suppose he is upset because he is ardly ever pronounced, and then when he is, it is all wrong. He could ve got it all wrong of course, it is perhaps because Esse just wanted to go and find erself, and had a break 40.
Much too complicated and clever a reply for my pea brain! Thanks for bothering to comment! I think your intellect is far too High, St. Ray! I think this is WhicH STreet?
My grandfather liked playing with words .. rascal that he was. As devout a man as he was, he loved to aggravate his wife by singing in church Just as I am, without one flea and others ... and so the alphabet, for him, was Hay is for Horses, etc ... I wish I could remember the whole set ... Nothing intellectual about either myself or the above, by the way.
No, maybe not, but I found some of it unfathomable unfortunately! Is there a deliberate corruption by your gramps of the words of a well-known hymn there? You ll have to spell it out just as with the alphabet. Was the first one transferring number/letter sound-alikes to a recitation of the alphabet, for example (H 4s 32 [8X4 =32])? Pardon me for not getting G for Police etc. ::17:::12: But thanks for being the only taker, as it were. I ll stick to things like coacH STage . Pity we can t embolden text or use italics with these comments.
Chief of Police ... without one plea ... Deaf or daft it used to be pronounced deef .... break for tea (40) the vowel A is missing = hast .... myself = I so ... hist ... I wonder if you remember the Story of the Ancient Chinese Rosewood Upright Piano, where they were told to find Mr Ah Pong ... after 10,000 knocks by Neddy Seagoon - he would open the door ... the classic question followed ... Are you Ah Pong ... the answer comes ... Yes we are Ah Pong until 11 o clock !!!!!!!!
Hungry Sandwich Trade - Hamsters Smashing Treat - Hairy Savoury Teatime. laugh#
Headline ... MatcH STicks in player s throat ... told not to make a strike ... Psychedelic Warlords Disappear in Smoke ... You d Better believe It. It s so Easy to Say .... .... Do not Panic ... this is a Sonic Attack ...

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