County Athletics Team 1948

County Athletics Team 1948

This athletics team won the county championship in the 1948-49 season, but is very different from the team which won the Milocarian Trophy that year. Back row: Mr. Jarvis, Walton, Derek Small, Trevor Bolitho, Mr. Harris, -?-, G. Smith, Michael Wallis, Mr. Trewin. / Middle row: Mr. Jones, J. Smith, Guy Barnes, W.R. "Rabbit" Gilbert, Roger Ollerearnshaw, S.G.T."Virtue" Edwards, Eric Mitchell, R.Michael Moss (awarded MBE 2010), Mr. Otto. / In front: Beverley Batten, Ted Joyce, Abel Reseigh, A.J. Woodman.
Back row first Mr. Jarvis, third Derek Small, fourth Trevor Bolitho, fifth Mr. Harris, eighth Michael Wallis, ninth Mr. Trewin. Middle row first Mr. Jones, fourth W.R. "Rabbit" Gilbert, fifth Roger Ollerearnshaw, sixth S.G.T."Virtue" Edwards, seventh Eric Mitchell, eighth R.Michael Moss (awarded MBE 2010), ninth Mr. Otto.

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