Complete Mortgages

Complete Mortgages

Although I haven't heard anything official about this business going under.... the empty office and lack of equipment tells a familiar tale..... sadly it's time to cue the tumble weed!
A signal reminder of what happens when a society depends not on the present, but on the future yet not known. The wheel cannot turn forever, it needs work and effort as well as fuel. Everything has been chopped into little pieces of independent people all in competition with each other, instead of the large family based businesses and the great houses and estates that we once had; gone are the benefactors of local banks and great smelting works - all of which kept people in homes and employment to be a part of the great place that Penzance one was. Life is not a Library.
about Halfhidden s avatar....I ll send you a Pm....but glad you like...thought it more appropiate..
@treeve I ve got a bit of work to do on it.... Sparky pointed out that the other avatar... (animated one) made it look like I was laughing at everyone..... difficult to make a serious point when constantly laughing. Anyway (...) ? read# I can t believe that binary is banned on this site..... who did that read# read# read# read# read# read#

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