Unknown Group 1913

Unknown Group 1913

Back row: Badcock E. (MP), Ellis J.E. (GP), Creek A.H. (ADP), Derry M.S. (P), Richards P.W. (DMP), White M.E. (DP), Legg C.H. (ADGMP), Glinn G.E. (CP) Middle row: Mr. F.N. Hodson, Mr. A.C.F. Dolben, Mr. G.L. Bradley (President), Mr. H.E. Richardson, Mr. J.C. Hodgson Front row: Beckerleg E.H. (G), Nisbet A.W.P. (G), Hicks P.B. (G)[It is not known what the letters in brackets after boys names signify]
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Looks like Lescudjack. The building behind them looks like the toilet block (in my day) with the entrance on their right. Great set of pics :)
Thanks for your interest Planet Penwith but this photo was quite definitely taken at Penzance County School. I can identify the 4 members of staff in the middle row but have yet to identify any of the boys. They all look old enough to have been in the 6th form so looking back at photos of 4th and 5th year classes from 1911 and 1912 might provide some names (when I can find the time!!)
Blimey, looks almost the same part of Lescudjack :) Thanks for telling me. Yes, they're a great set of old pics, always love looking at the old ones. My, how times have changed over the years :)

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Unknown Group 1913.jpg
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2301px x 1449px

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