Three Score Years and Ten

Three Score Years and Ten

A History of the Penzance County School, Humphry Davy Grammar School Penzance 1910 - 1980

Second edition, with corrections and additions, 2002
Thanks for providing the link to our website. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to put links in comments.
You are welcome.
I eventually want to get a copy, myself.
URLs are ok in comments, when relevant. The system has been redesigned to deal with that. The old system was open to abuse, so the site had to be wary.
I have placed 1957 and 1961 Speech Day Programmes here, in case you had not spotted them.
As well, I am building, slowly, album T Craske Rising.
Many thanks for the links Treeve. Some fascinating stuff! I'll get back to you about the Rising album.

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