Sweat Shirt

Sweat Shirt

Here we have a Zero Club Staff Sweat shirt, This is one that Steff has kept all these years
as you know the Zero Club has been closed for....well we were trying to work it out the other day
it must be around 14/15 years ago??
And is now the Abbey Restaurant.
Lots of good memories of the Zero, there was nothing quite like it in Penzance at the time we used to go (late '70s and up to around the mid '80s). Curves everywhere including the ceiling as you entered. Not that big inside, dance floor could get a bit cramped - but that all added to the feel of it being a club. We went there every Christmas Eve in particular but from memory New Year's Eve it was always booked for private parties. Christmas there was a good time to meet up with other friends who had also gone away to college and who had come back for the Christmas holidays. Always had to make sure our group had an even balance of males and females - seem to remember they were quite hot on not letting groups of just blokes in.
@TT13 Zero was good and very popular, HH was down there in the 90's...dont suppose you have any pics?
we were promised some ages ago, but as always unless you have time to go and look in the loft, thats where they will stay, be good if anyone who reads this, if you have any pics be really good to see them!
Sorry sparky, I'm afraid I don't have any. But like you, I'd love to see some if anyone out there has any - especially any shots of when the club had no one in there - by that I mean so you can see what the interior was like, not empty as in when had closed down.
did you ever go up stairs? loved those stairs the way they curved, they had seating and tables up there a bit like a chill out area.
I have memories of there being a chain across the bottom of the stairs - got a feeling they led down from the restaurant above? And those who ate there then could come down and got free entry directly into the club. Could well be mistaken though, memories a little hazy - though I do remember never going up them.
@TT13 I personally dont remember it being a restuarant, but HH says that you are correct in the people used to eat then come down and enter the club for free, there was another seperate entrance for the restuarant at the side of where you would normally come into the club. it was a door on the left and the stairs were like a spiral going up towards the resturant. pity no one thought to take pics back then of the restuarant, it was done out really lovely from what HH has told me
Just been wondering what was done with the club after it closed down. Do you know if it became something else? I have visions of it being left just as it was, now covered in cob webs. It'd be great if it was - imagine being allowed in and having a look around!
I used to work on the door mid 90`s when HH was the DJ and Dave was manager, we used to have to look through that little hole in the door before we let people in ::6:, used to be weird standing there sober when everybody around you was drunk
@TT13, yes it closed and stayed as it was for a few years until someone brought it, then gutted the whole place and it was turned into the Abbey restuarant, but they still kept the lovely stairs (the one that you mentioned with the chain accross) which is now closed, it closed last year I believe. I never set foot inside when it was a restaurant, so don't know what it looked like?
@Ockin we must know you? or at least HH may do, Nikke worked there as well.
ha ha yeah Sparky, you and HH do know me ::6: I`ll give you a clue, I used to have really long hair when I worked there and me and HH always used to talk about granny Eyeball when we all went upstairs for a drink after work

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The Zero club Penzance
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