Penzance Steam Laundry

Penzance Steam Laundry

This was partly owned by my Auntie s there's my claim to fame. But demolished shortly after this picture was taken in 1996. Taken and supplied by John Gendall, this shows the front of the laundry as it looked from New Street.
A great part of Penzance s history; I wish I had kept all the pictures taken for the Drewitts on the St Michael s Housing.
laugh# Lived in St, michaels cottages for about 30yrs remember the laundry well, few of the ladies from St Michaels worked there. i remember the man who looked after the boilers, called Dougie Drew. if i remember correctly he opened an art studio opposite side of the road
Had the c**p scared out of me when only about 15 went in as an apprentice with one of the electricians, I will walk in any factory now and give as good as I get, that place taught me a thing or two!!!! ::6: read#
the picture brought back good memorys to me when i worked for woolworths i had to take a box of choc ice cream to
staff for there lunch break one day a week when i was late one day one of the girls said if i was late next time i well be sent back dry clean those were the days i think the boss was called mr bose?
back to work dryed clean those were the days i think the boss was call mr boase ?
Yes Graham you are right Mr Boase was the Boss infact i think if my memory serves me right i think he was the owner, he had a daughter called Wendy ::15:
Brian. I posted a picture of Dougie Drew a few days ago. Dougie was a friend of my parents. He and my father and Dougie s dog, Bosun were regulars in the London Inn in the seventies and eighties. I ve a couple of Doug s paintings here. You can see the pic in my competition photographs album.
@Chill, can t find the album you mentioned,but there can only be one Dougie Drew, fireman if it s the same one, I knew him very well. a lovely bloke, I haven t seen it for a while, but I have a photo of him with Bosun and my Son when I lived in St.Michaels Street, if I can find it I ll upload it. It was taken not long before he died.
yes brian i remember now mr boase was the owner and he did have a daughter called wendy i new her well

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