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Major Contributor
It would be interesting if we could click on our Lives and select Properties.
How would our Percentage Daily Piechart look?

Looking at mine at the moment. [tabulated]
Work .................................... 00
Watching Television ................. 00
Shopping ............................... 02
Computer Games ..................... 00
Board Games .......................... 00
Pub/Restaurant ....................... 00
Cinema/DVD ............................ 05
Out Walking ............................ 03
Out Driving ............................. 00
Hobbies/Pastimes[Web/Research] 56
Gardening ............................... 00
Reading .................................. 04
Sleeping ................................. 35
(Work: with women that would include a multitude of sub-sections, I know)
If you can suggest any other sections?
What is your chart like?

if it is a weekly event divide by 168 to get the daily percentage
daily of course divide by 24.


Major Contributor
Well ...
you don't care,
can't be bothered,
don't know,
don't do anything at all and its sleep, wake, work, shop, television ... sleep ....
all in a dazed vortex of something called life ... ::6:


Staff member
He he,::11:, this time of year it is, mainly for me sleep, eat, work, tv, pc and start again, boring but percentages will be better in the summer.::15:


Senior Member
At this moment in time 50% sleeping, 25% coughing and 25% blowing my nose. Hopefully I will recover from these symptons soon to write a more varied lifestyleUf2


Major Contributor
I do hope you get through your nasal warfare soon.
But, you have the soothers here in the forum now, have you tried any?
I'll stick with the hot toddy ...::1:
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